Broad beans "in porchetta" are a typical recipe born in Marche countryside from the need to consume broad beans that are no longer suitable to be eaten fresh.
In fact, cooking them makes even the beans that have become quite large and hard to be soft and tasty.
This because, traditionally, we use fresh broad beans accompanied with pork loin and pecorino cheese for "merenda", aperitif, starter or dinner!

But here, below, the fava beans is cooked and easy to prepare like the tradition.
A really simple and tasty, this rustic dish has a very strong flavour and aroma thanks to the presence of fresh garlic, wild fennel and Italian pancetta.
Perfect to be eating with a fresh bread or bruschetta as a side dish or starter.
Why called "in porchetta"? Because of the same ingredient used to cook the pig "in porchetta".
Fava beans "in porchetta" still today a very popular dish you can find around Marche Agriturismo.
Serving 4 people:
2kg Fava/Broad Beans
100g Italian Pancetta - Italian Bacon
1 garlic cloves
bunch of wild fennel
200ml warm water
100ml dry white wine
EVO oil
Salt and black pepper
Dried flaky chilly
First, shell the broad bean pods, put them in a container to wash them and rinse.
Pour a drop of oil into a pan with the chopped garlic clove, half of the previously chopped wild fennel bunch, a pinch of chilly flakes and the pancetta previously cut into small strips.
Fried all the ingredients until you see the pancetta became crispy and the garlic golden colour.
Then add the broad beans and turn the heat to medium/high and add the wine; let it evaporate.
Add the water, the rest of the wild fennel bunch and turn the heat down to slow/medium. Cover the pan with the lid by leaving a small gap. Salt and pepper to your taste, though bear in mind Italian Pancetta is already salty so taste before using any salt.
The broad beans are ready cooked when the beans are tender and the water has reduced, just when you are about to hear the frying noise. If they still to hard you can add a bit of warm water to finish the coking. Should be this the case don't forget to taste again and add more salt and pepper if need it.
"Fave in Porchetta" are now done! Enjoy them with a nice bread and wine!
